Looking to contribute?

the6thlayer.okzk.com is a passion project ran by a single individual who loves Made in Abyss. I do not ask for you to fund the server costs, but I do ask you to contribute content to the website. What kind of content, you may be asking... well, anything! (as long as it's related to the Made in Abyss series, of course).

Want to have your own gallery on the website with your fanart, comics and OCs? No problem, I can host it. Want to send bios of the characters for me to display on the site? Say no more, I'll add it. Got some Made in Abyss AMVs you want to show us? I will make a page for them on my site. Got an interesting theory about Made in Abyss that you want to share with everybody else? Let us know. Anything goes.

All you have to do is send me an e-mail with whatever you want me to add. I can't guarantee it'll be added. Obviously, there are things I cannot host such as stolen/AI artwork, NSFW art (you can submit NSFW fanfics, however) and GPT-generated blocks of text, but anything is welcome and appreciated.

Why you should contribute

In the 90's and 2000's, fansites and forums used to be the norm if you wanted to read information about certain works. Not only did they provide users with information but also extras such as never seen before content, interviews, downloads, etc. Fansites came from the heart, and were ran by passionate individuals. As the 2010's came, old fansites began to shut down as things like social media, subreddits and fandom wikis began to pop up. I don't intend on this sounding like a diss towards those who run these sites - the MIA wiki for example is a valuable source of information for any fan of the series and I've even linked it on the sidebar.

The 6th Layer, however, is a curious case. I don't want to replace the aforementioned websites, that is not my aim. Two of my recent hobbies recently have been HTML and CSS and Made in Abyss is a series I love. I wanted to combine those things to create a passion project that would connect with other fans of the show/manga. While it's entirely possible for me to work on the site alone, my aim is to unite the community and showcase its creations. I want people to love this series as much as I do and express it online. That's why I have very few limits as to what I allow on The 6th Layer. Your contribution matters to me.